
"Merks Gaiļezera nami" receives award of competition “The most energy efficient building in Latvia 2020”

2021-02-25 |

In the competition “The most energy efficient building in Latvia 2020”, organised by the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, and the magazine “Būvinženieris”, the building at Gaiļezera iela 9 of the new project Merks Gaiļezers Homes won 3rd place in the category “Most energy efficient apartment building / new building 2020”.

The residential project Merks Gaiļezers Homes, developed and built by Merks, was also highly appreciated last year, when the building at Gaiļezera iela 15 won 2nd place. The buildings of this project have 9 above-ground floors. The external walls of the buildings are insulated with 210 mm stone wool, and special attention is paid to the insulation of the enclosing structures (attic floor, basement, roof). Exterior doors, windows, balconies and ventilation systems have also been selected and developed to ensure high energy efficiency. The buildings have central heating, and heat regulation depends on the outdoor air temperature and can be individually adjusted with thermostats. 

The energy certificate data of the Gaiļezera iela 9 building shows that the adjusted thermal energy consumption of the building for heating is 51.05 kWh / m2 per year, while for hot water preparation it is 10.05 kWh / m2 per year. The building complies with Class B energy efficiency requirements.


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